Happy Birthdays (Switch) Review

Happy Big Bang Birthday!

The peculiarly named Happy Birthdays is an ecosystem simulator conceived by the mind behind Harvest Moon, Yasuhiro Wada. Much like the iconic farming series, this “god game” is about managing your environment to produce something—in this case, entire species. By manipulating elements like temperature and terrain within a miniature cube, you can influence the creation of many lifeforms and experience their happy birthdays.


As a birthday treat, here’s my Video Review!

The story follows your nameless avatar, who is transported to a mysterious cube world and transformed into a cute alien-like superhero. A small prism named Navi informs you that it needs your help with producing lifeforms on this cube planet. For some reason, by helping Navi, you can return home. It’s a strange story, but then again, this is an odd game.

You play as the creator of the world but also get to be in your creation.

If you’ve played games like Spore, Viva Piñata, or Actraiser, you may feel more comfortable with the premise of Happy Birthdays. Essentially, you attempt to influence organism creation and reproduction by managing the temperature and structure of your cube world. There are several options for your starting world, such as a frozen planet or a lifeless rock, with the standard lush green habitat being the easiest to develop. Afterwards, you fly around as your alien superhero avatar, and your primary actions involve manipulating the ecosystem. For instance, you can make an area colder by developing higher mountains or by using skills that manually cool the environment. A colder world may give rise to different species.

New Jurassic Park movie is looking good so far.

Your goal is to create whatever lifeforms Navi requests, from dinosaurs to early humans. It goes without saying that these button-eyed creatures are extremely adorable, and it was a pleasure to encounter each one roaming about. The frame rate, though, does dip a bit depending on how much you have going on in your world. Each playthrough is fairly linear, and you’re never expected to produce anachronistic creatures like dinosaurs in a modern age. But you are free to build the blocky terrain however you like. Designing the world isn’t as deep as other sandbox builders like Minecraft; you’re mostly limited to forming simple mountains, valleys, and fields. But in the spirit of making a world my own, I would have loved more ways to personalize my domain besides a limited amount of constructible monuments.

Nevertheless, the point is to generate a living ecosystem. It’s harder than it looks as there is a lot to keep track of. Opening the library submenu reveals almost 300 species waiting to be born. Each organism has specific conditions that must be fulfilled for its inception as well as for its continued reproduction and survival. For example, the Adelobasileus requires a temperature between 30-40 degrees Celsius, a moisture level between 9-63%, and for its ancestor the Diphydon to reach a population of at least 85,400. Every requirement in the game is precise, and it can be difficult to understand the on-screen statistics early on. I messed up a few times because the tutorial barely explained what I was looking at.

Breed Eoraptors…Breed!

Thankfully, this game is fairly forgiving and encourages experimentation. It’s also more valuable as an educational tool this way. As you play, you realize why species died out and the drastic changes the world underwent over long periods of time before humans came to inhabit it. The game even uses scientific names for each lifeform. It’s a surprisingly effective educational tool that simulates real biology in an interactive way.

Manipulating growth becomes easier as you get the hang of it. The bigger challenges come with the clunky controls and navigating the unintuitive interface. For example, scrolling through the skill menu requires you to hold down a button while pressing directional controls, and sometimes you will suddenly lose and regain the ability to move depending on which submenus are open. You can access the species library both as a list and evolutionary tree, but there’s no way to search for the species or easily find one’s profile. This is most problematic for certain species which require specific ancestors to spawn in your world. You end up spending time navigating the large tree or cross-referencing the list just to find the ancestor’s profile, which becomes a chore.

I think I learned something today.

Nothing actually happens on the planet until you enter the game’s Macro Mode, which takes you outside your constructed world. From here, you can fast-forward time at a rate of several thousand years per second. That may seem fast, but it takes millennia for species to pop up. Even if you have correctly manipulated all the elements for a lifeform to appear, you may have to wait around for it to finally happen. Luckily, a status sidebar tells you everything that is happening, like which creatures are increasing or decreasing their populations and when one’s happy birthday has occurred. With every birthday, you can capture a species and formally add it to your library, which is great for anyone with a Pokemon gotta catch ‘em all mentality. Capturing species grants you experience points, which you use to further manipulate the land. Doing so lets you produce more species for you to capture. It’s an effective gameplay loop.

In Macro Mode, you get to sit back and watch life bloom…or sometimes die out.

Unfortunately, that’s about all you actually do in the game. You can’t interact with any of the species, and they do very little besides walk around and eat. There’s a first-person view mode that lets you pretend that you’re part of your own created world. Otherwise, the game is strictly about changing the environment and waiting for progress. It’s relaxing to watch the world grow on its own, a sensation akin to looking at an aquarium. The soothing, quiet piano soundtrack accompanies the tone well, but it can get dull when nothing significant happens.

The main campaign doesn’t take long, provided you have a good understanding of your ecosystem. Afterwards, you can play in Free Mode to try to unlock every birthday or simply to watch your ecosystem grow, which you can also do by restarting the campaign. There’s also a Challenge Mode with a handful of trials, each asking you to produce a lifeform under certain conditions. This mode is the closest Happy Birthdays comes to incorporating arcadelike gameplay, but it’s not as engaging due to its smaller scope.



Happy Birthdays is a truly unique way to learn about ecosystems, evolution, and the changing world. As a game, its slow pace and passive gameplay isn’t for everyone, and its content isn’t necessarily enough to justify its fairly steep retail price. Happy Birthdays is a title that fosters experimentation and observation, but its demand on stat management may go over the heads of younger players. The game will appeal most to patient players seeking a scientifically influenced passive experience, as it’s a cleverly designed ecosystem simulator with eye-opening parallels to real life. If anything, Happy Birthdays has given me a greater appreciation of how our world came to be.

Score: 7/10

Note: A review copy was used for this article. This review was originally written on DarkStation.

What do you think of Happy Birthdays? Have you ever played anything like it? What are your favorite simulation games? Please share any thoughts or questions in the comments section below! Thank you so much for reading and watching! As a bonus, if you are checking this out on the day it’s posted, it’s coincidentally my own Happy Birthday! 🙂

16 thoughts on “Happy Birthdays (Switch) Review

  1. Excellent review and Happy Birthday to you! I love that this review was actually posted on your birthday! It doesn’t get more fitting than that! Happy Birthdays seems like a very different sort of game. I could see scientifically-minded Minecraft fans enjoying this, including examining the evolutionary tree, even though it sounds cumbersome to navigate. I love how adorable all the animals look–especially the PANDA! It’s kinda like evolutionary ecosystem Sims…meets Pokemon! Their cute blocky, button-eyed faces make me want to celebrate all of their happy birthdays! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you thank you thank you as always for your consistent support and encouragement! And a special thank you for your birthday wishes! 😀 Today is a Happy Birthday indeed! I think you would enjoy Happy Birthdays as a scientifically-minded person. It’s a very intriguing game in motion, even when it seems like nothing is happening. And every creature is indeed adorable! I like how you put it – Sims meets Pokemon!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ♫Happy Birthday to you!♫ Thanks for this review! ♫

    I’ve been keeping my eye on this game, so it’s good to hear your thoughts on it. I’m still very interested in playing (I believe there’s a demo, right?) I might wait to see if it goes on sale… or just put it on my holiday wishlist.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much for your super awesome birthday song!! I love it!! 😀 There is indeed a demo, and I think it lets you play quite a bit. You get a good idea of what it’s like through it, so definitely try that out before you buy. The game is very interesting, but it can be slow, and it’s pricey, so it makes sense to wait for a sale or receive it as a gift. You can even ask for it for your…BIRTHDAY! 😉


      1. Haha… I would have but my birthday just passed a few weeks back (also a May birthday). If it had been released back then, it would have been on the top of my list!

        Have a great one! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. May birthdays are the best! Happy Belated Birthday to you!! I hope you had an amazing out! Hope you enjoy the demo, and then the game if you decide to pick it up! It sounds like it’s up your alley. Thank you again!! 🙂


  3. This is a really interesting game. I can see how it would be both fun and frustrating trying tinker with the ecosystem. Also, I’m curious if your character once given the ability to play God would ever want to leave, but don’t spoil it for me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your great comments as always Peter! It reminds me of such episodes of The Simpsons like the Genesis Tub where Lisa gets transported into her own miniature created world, but they can’t “rebigulate” her. And also the episode of Futurama where Bender grows a civilization on his shiny, metal body, and then gets to meet God. Matt Groening was prepared with these god sim episodes!


  4. This game looks pretty cute! I’ve had a couple friends who’ve played it and enjoyed it. And happy belated birthday to you!! I hope you had a fun day! Your birthday was the day before my husband’s! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your birthday wishes!!! 😄 And Happy Birthday to your husband!! I feel like I knew that your husband’s birthday was so close to mine, but I don’t remember why. I know you enjoy games like Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, so you just might enjoy this one made by the original creator!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think that was it! Hope it was an enjoyable birthday celebration for him! My wife’s birthday, our anniversary, and my birthday all happen within a 3 week timespan so we’re still celebrating haha! Hope you enjoy the game if you pick it up!! 😄

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s awesome! I hope you guys are having fun celebrating! We had fun on his birthday, even though our plans to go to the beach were put on hold because it wouldn’t stop raining! Instead we just went out and had a nice lunch and spent the rest of the day playing games and watching tv 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Aww! It’s been raining a lot lately as well. Perfect time to play games though! 😉 I’m glad you were still able to have a great time! We did get to go to Six Flags twice to celebrate my birthday and our anniversary. We’re going to celebrate at Six Flags again next week for her birthday thanks to a handy Season Pass!

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